Whatever your needs, awenko:360 has got your back: quality management, quality assurance, time management, ticketing system, process data management, production planning, production monitoring, branch communication, compliance management system, corporate management and plenty more. The software has a modular structure that adapts to your individual requirements. You can freely adjust its content as required. The result: a multi-functional management tool that suits you perfectly! QM Software - Quality Management according to ISO9001 ist modular aufgebaut und lässt sich perfekt an Ihre Wünsche anpassen. Alle Inhalte gestalten Sie frei und nach Ihren Anforderungen. Fertig ist ein multifunktionales QM System, das perfekt zu Ihnen passt!
Erfassen Sie alle wichtigen Betriebsdaten zentral an einer Stelle. Mit der QM Software awenko:360 arbeiten Sie schnell, einfach und digital. Das bedeutet: Weniger Fehlerquellen, korrekte Daten und eine große Zeitersparnis gegenüber aufwändigen Papierdokumentationen und umfangreichen Excellisten.
Mit awenko:360 behalten Sie immer und überall den Überblick: online, offline, im Unternehmen, unterwegs und im Home Office.
Welche Systemvoraussetzungen benötigen Sie für die QM-Software Awenko 360?
awenko:360 has every function you could ever need.
Plan, record, check, evaluate: set all processes across the company.

The QM Software that has your back during controls:
HACCP, IFS, BRC, ISO, Bio certification.
Be on the safe side.
awenko:360 keeps you well prepared for any control or audit.
We have something truly unique for you: awenko:360 comes with an app you can use from anywhere, even without an internet connection. Add and save your data effortlessly. The QM app sends everything to your central system as soon as you get back online. Test the countless functions and options of our app now and be impressed at how easy, mobile and safe QM can be!

For Android and iOS:
QM-Software awenko:360 als praktische QM-App
Truly portable: capture data and forms from anywhere.
Online and offline: you can use the QM app without an active internet connection.
The app saves all forms and data you capture offlineuntil you get back on the internet.
Complete control: access all processes, master data, outlines, photos, videos and documents from anywhere, at any time.
Function and feature overview
Complete QM solution for QHSE
Intergrated Audit-Management
Integrated file management
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001
For medical and healthcare sector
For the food sector
QM software for document distribution
Numerous industry solutions can be mapped
Special packages for SMEs
Sensor interfaces
Multilingual: GER, GB, IT, FR
Modular construction
Expandable as needed
App for mobile work, even offline
Automatable functions
Automated workflows
All standards and regulations can be implemented
Fast supplier management
BPM suite with QM applications
HACCP software
Fast implementation
Control loop principle / workflow
Granular rights system
Multi-level release workflows
Functional single modules
Many standards can be integrated
Full-text search for form content
Flexible document distribution
Flexible reporting system
glass and hard plastic register
“Undocumented equals undone.”
The requirements for documentation, self-inspection and training are constantly on the rise. Recent discussions about the new traffic light system of hygiene control in German restaurants has increased public awareness of this topic.
Mit awenko:360 haben Sie ein cleveres System an der Hand, das Ihnen hilft, schneller und besser zu arbeiten. Aufgaben verteilen Sie direkt und digital, die nötige Dokumentation erledigt sich quasi nebenbei. awenko:360 ist eine umfassendes Qualitätsmanagement und HACCP-Software, die leicht zu bedienen ist und alle Funktionen mitbringt, die Sie brauchen.
“Creating and managing checklists, forms and plans has never been easier!”
awenko:360 makes a lot of things easier: hygiene controls, product and production audits, check lists for the glass and plastic register, protocols of training courses and HACCP sessions, pest monitoring and even your supplier surveys and assessments. Initiate, monitor and seamlessly document everything – with just a few clicks or taps.
Implement the criteria of the HACCP concept transparently, meet IFS requirements and comply with ISO standards, BRC and your food control authorities. awenko:360 keeps you perfectly prepared for your next certification audit.
Documentation, control, review – nothing could be easier.
“Take care of everything – directly, portably and on site: Project documentation, timekeeping, fault management and plenty more.”
With awenko:360, you get to keep an eye on all your sites: record and document incoming goods, reports, sites, cost centres, components, project times and payrolls. Service recording, daily construction reports, defect logging, fault reports, digital construction plans, construction monitoring, and equipment accounts: awenko:360 is your comprehensive building site software with all the functions you could ever need. It even comes with an app that allows you to work and document from anywhere, even without an internet connection.
Loyal clients
Have you heard?
Here’s what’s NEW at awenko.
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Read our latest articles to find out what is happening in our industry and learn about new product features of awenko:360, important conference and trade fair dates, and the hot topics in the world of quality management.
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Am 19. & 20. Februar findet in Berlin der Food Safety Kongress statt. Unter dem Titel „Lebensmittelsicherheit und -qualität in disruptiven Zeiten“ werden Experten aus [...]
Ankündigung: Jahreskonferenz QM!
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